What Do You Crave? Part 1

So, be honest, what do you crave the most?

Is it a particular food or drink?  Is it something more vague like sugar or salt?  Is it a family of foods or just an “anything goes” kind of craving?

I’m totally a chocolate person.  Chocolate is my go-to stress reliever.

I’ve got other craving favs but I know that  no matter what- chocolate is going to do it for me.

The thing is, I KNOW my cravings.  I’ve spent time trying to figure them out.

I figured out the what, the why and the when.

Then I got to the fun part- the HOW.

But for now, let’s focus on the what.

So answer this, what do you just have to have?  What can’t you function without?  What food or drink does it take for you to tame the craving beast within your body?

What does your body need so that you can get through the day?  Can you put your finger on it?

I totally have protein days.  I need meat and I need it to be big, dead and on a plate.  Preferably cooked.

(Sorry if that’s too graphic, but it’s the truth.)

I don’t always see it coming, but it rears it’s ugly head and I know that I need to feed the monster or else.

Or else what?

Or else that need, that craving will just get worse.

It’ll get worse until I feed it.  Otherwise, no one around me will be very happy.

The funny thing is that sometimes I know it’s on its way.  When I’m working out more, when I’m more active, when I’m in a serious productivity mode- I know that I’ll need more meat.

I even get vegetable cravings.  Sometimes, I’ll just crave kale, salad, asparagus, broccoli or anything green.

It happens, but like I said before, I’ve been paying attention to them for a while so I can see it.

So what about you?

What do you crave?

Next time, we’ll cover the Why.

Why do you crave the things you do?  Is it a simple case of “I want what I want when I want it?” or something more complex?

Your Challenge, if you choose to Accept it!

Start listening to the messages that your body is sending you.

What are you craving?

Create a list or start a journal.  Anything.

Write down the what.

If you want to get fancy-pants on me, you can also write down the when.   Are you tired, are you stressed, or is it a particular time of the day?

Comment on this article and let me know your thoughts!
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  • http://twitter.com/cashgiftingcrew Ryan

    Hi Annette,

    I’ve moved away from my deep cravings for chocolate but it still exists. When I was heavily into bodybuilding I was a donut fiend. I’d diet for 3 months then carbs up on 16. Yes 16. In a sitting.

    Recently I’ve felt much lighter. Meditating twice a day, vegetarian, all potatoes, rice, beans, and greens. I’ve felt satiated so the craves have gone away.

  • http://twitter.com/cashgiftingcrew Ryan

    Hi Annette,

    I’ve moved away from my deep cravings for chocolate but it still exists. When I was heavily into bodybuilding I was a donut fiend. I’d diet for 3 months then carbs up on 16. Yes 16. In a sitting.

    Recently I’ve felt much lighter. Meditating twice a day, vegetarian, all potatoes, rice, beans, and greens. I’ve felt satiated so the craves have gone away.

  • Annette Nack

    Hi Ryan,

    Thanks for sharing! I’ve had my own cravings lately too. I went through a whole jar of nutells by myself in 2 weeks. Not my proudest moment, but it was a stress reaction, so I’m not giving myself too much of a hard time.

    In the meantime, I’m keeping Nutella out of the house!

    But you’re totally on point, getting in touch with yourself helps to change your cravings. We’re just missing something. The trick is to actually pay attention and figure out what it is! Congrats on that!

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