It’s Time to Make Yourself a Priority Already

I’m not in the habit of mincing words, so let me just say that life can totally suck.

People get sick and die.  Friends come and go, sometimes for no reason and sometimes for a really good one.

Jobs and careers begin, fade away, come back and then disappear out of thin air.

Economies go up and down, up and down and then up, up, up and then way, way down.

This is what happens.  This is life.

None of this is a surprise.  It’s all a guarantee and the sooner you realize that, the better off you’ll be.

So what are you waiting for?

What magic sign or special invitation are you waiting for just so that you’ll start making yourself a priority?

How long have you sat there and said, “Let me just do this and then I’ll take care of myself.”

Or, “Oh no, you go ahead.  I’ll get the next one.”

The next one being- the next cab, the next job, the next raise or promotion, the next husband or wife, the next dream house, the next dream life, the next perfect body, the next…

Come on people, wake up.  The next one is not coming.  It’s not right around the corner and it’s certainly not coming to you.

That is, unless you decide to make yourself a priority, to make yourself important, to make yourself someone worthy of what it is you truly want.

That’s the ticket, that’s the magic sign and the special invitation.

It is time for you to step up, declare your worthiness and choose to make yourself important- at the very least in your own eyes.

This is not a lesson in selfishness or self-importance.

But more in a lesson of cutting out the martyr-dom, in getting up off the floor and stop being a doormat or my personal favorite, “Get off the cross, we need the wood” kind of self-effacing, self-minimizing attitude that so many people have.

(I apologize if I upset anyone with that last line, but tough love is tough love.  Sometimes you just have to hear it and trust me, I cried the first time I heard it.)

Your life is right now and by not declaring your worthiness, you are missing out on all that your life is waiting to give you.

Life wants to give you what you want.  It is aching for you to receive all of your true heart’s desires.

But if you don’t really want it for yourself, then no one else is going to do it for you.

Not your mother, not your father, not your spouse or significant other, not your boss or mentor, not your siblings or your best friends…

No one is going to get it and hand it over to you unless you first get up and go after it for yourself.

So what do you choose?

Are you important enough in your own life to go after what you want?

Are you ready to step up and be strong when life doesn’t always seem to go your way?

Are you willing to make yourself a priority in your own life and not back down from claiming your self-worth?

If so, then take the next step.  What is the very first thing that you need to do to show yourself that you matter?

Take it.  Own it.

Then do it again.

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  • Deb Augur

    Wow, Annette! You’re really good at that Tough Love stuff and you’re absolutely right! Too many of us put ourselves last (I definitely have that tendency). It is time we stopped doing that!

    It’s good to hear “Life wants you to have what you want.” I know that but I don’t always give it the chance to do so!

    Thanks for the wake up call. I’ve been wanting something for a very long time that I have never made a priority. But I’m going to make it a priority starting now!

    You ROCK! Much appreciated.


  • Deb Augur

    Wow, Annette! You’re really good at that Tough Love stuff and you’re absolutely right! Too many of us put ourselves last (I definitely have that tendency). It is time we stopped doing that!

    It’s good to hear “Life wants you to have what you want.” I know that but I don’t always give it the chance to do so!

    Thanks for the wake up call. I’ve been wanting something for a very long time that I have never made a priority. But I’m going to make it a priority starting now!

    You ROCK! Much appreciated.


  • Annette Nack

    Thank you so much Deb for that awesome comment! I’m so glad you got so much out of my article. Tough love isn’t so easy, but sometimes, you’ve just gotta go for it!

    We all need a wake-up call every so often, so I’m glad I could be yours! And I’m really glad that you have the motivation to start something that you’ve been putting it off, I love that!

    If you ever need more tough love, you know who to ask : )

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