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The Top 10 Things You Need To Know Before You Choose A Diet

Tweet When you make the decision to start eating more healthfully, it may seem like the hardest part is over. Once you choose your diet, you just hop on the bandwagon, buy the food and everything goes the way it should. You lose weight.  You stabilize your cholesterol, your blood sugar, your digestion, etc. Your…

What Is True Nourishment?

Tweet It’s hard to think about health or being healthy without thinking about food. It’s hard to think about food without thinking about eating. It’s hard to think about eating without thinking about what you should be eating- but probably aren’t currently eating. And it’s hard to think about what you should be eating- but…

Why The Little Red Welts On My Arms Are Not From An Allergic Reaction

Tweet I thought I was having an allergic reaction. Why else would little red welts all of a sudden show up on both of my arms? Okay, let’s run down the checklist. Have I eaten anything new or different? Have I used any new skin products? How is my breathing? Do I feel my throat…

How Can I Get Enough Calcium If I Don’t Drink Milk?

Tweet There is there horrible thought out there in nutrition world that if you don’t drink milk, then there is no way that you’ll ever get enough calcium in your diet. And if you don’t get enough calcium in your diet, then you’re setting yourself up for osteoporosis, broken bones, fractures and that dreaded “humped”…

What Do Vegetarians Eat For Protein?

Tweet Growing up in my family, vegetarianism was not an option.  I don’t even think it was a real word in our household until I got older and started appreciating vegetables more. Meals then consisted of meat and potatoes.  Simple.  Easy. Protein.  Starch.  Done. The good news is that times do change and as alien…

I’d Like To Get Off The Merry-Go-Round Now, Please

Tweet Do you ever get the feeling that you’ve been here before? I’m not talking about past life experiences but rather that you’ve been in the exact same situation, with the exact same type of people, with the exact same interaction and reactions that you’ve been in before? It’s almost like you’re riding on some…

Do You Only See Your Body Through A Fun House Mirror?

Tweet I don’t know about you but when I was little, I used to love going into a Carnival’s fun house & staring into their mirrors.   The way the mirrors distorted my body and my head fascinated me. I couldn’t help but twist and turn myself just to see what could come out of…

Is It Possible To Think Yourself Thin?

Tweet Have you ever wondered what would-or I should say could- happen if you just thought about it? Meaning, have you ever wondered what your true potential would be if you just set your mind to something and thought that it would happen? How about this, what do you think when I ask you if you…

What Does “Quality of Life” Mean to You?

Tweet When I was growing up, no one talked about the concept of “Quality of Life.” Especially, not around the playground. I can’t even tell you if I ever even heard my parents talk about it or even my grandmother. But when I got into college and began studying physiology, anatomy and all sciences related…

You Can’t Get Motivation Off a Wheaties Box

Tweet Do you remember sitting at the breakfast table staring at the face of a celebrity/athlete staring back at you from the side of a Wheaties box? Did you ever wonder what it would be like to have your own face staring back at you from that box? Or what it took to get there?…

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