• Karen Wilson Wehrle

    Thanks for this insight into cleaning! I can see the truth in it. My daughter and son-in-law regular transform a room into exactly what they want. It involves out with the old and allows for growth into the new vision of themselves. I want me some of that! Time to get tossing!

  • Karen Wilson Wehrle

    Thanks for this insight into cleaning! I can see the truth in it. My daughter and son-in-law regular transform a room into exactly what they want. It involves out with the old and allows for growth into the new vision of themselves. I want me some of that! Time to get tossing!

  • Annette Nack

    Thanks for your comment Karen! There is something that I get out of cleaning that is sometimes really hard to put into words but I’m glad that I was able to get my point across. I love how your daughter and son-in-law can transform their rooms, that’s so great! I love tossing stuff myself, but the rearranging, not quite my forte, yet.

  • http://www.maryhavlicek.com Mary Havlicek

    How funny that I read this and my house is a mess. My excuse though is that we’re painting this weekend, so we’ll clean then. How lame is that?

    But you are absolutely right. Even just cleaning out my inbox is a cleansing ritual for me. I’ve been unsubscribing from a ton of newsletters lately so I can make room for the stuff I really want to read. It’s nice to not look at my inbox and almost have a stroke at the amount of emails that go unread.

    Okay, headed over to take care of a load of dishes now…

  • http://www.maryhavlicek.com Mary Havlicek

    How funny that I read this and my house is a mess. My excuse though is that we’re painting this weekend, so we’ll clean then. How lame is that?

    But you are absolutely right. Even just cleaning out my inbox is a cleansing ritual for me. I’ve been unsubscribing from a ton of newsletters lately so I can make room for the stuff I really want to read. It’s nice to not look at my inbox and almost have a stroke at the amount of emails that go unread.

    Okay, headed over to take care of a load of dishes now…

  • Annette Nack

    I’ve just finished (almost finished?) a huge cleaning project that I had put off for a loooooong time. And now that I’m pretty much done, I feel amazing. I moved around so much energy that I’m feeling so incredibly clear. Next on my list is that newsletter thing. Can’t believe just how many emails I get in just one day. Ugh…

    And then it’s back to cleaning!

  • http://www.moldremediationremoval.com Mold in Homes

    Thanks for the great information! I would not have discovered this otherwise!

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